Quilling Exhibition at IIT Club, Chennai

I am very excited to be having my first quilling exhibition at the IIT Club in Chennai on Nov 6th between 5-7pm. On display will be a lot of my quilling creations, so if you live in Chennai or happening to be visiting Chennai and are interested in Quilling I would like to invite you to come and spend some time at the exhibition. I am looking forward to meeting all the quilling enthusiasts.

As an added attraction there will be a sale of paper craft gift items by Abirami Jawahar of Lotus.

Please do click on this link for more details on the QUILLING EXHIBITION.

Exhibition Location

New 61 (Old 30 ), 3rd street,
East Abhiramapuram, Mylapore,
Chennai 600004.

Tel: 044-45534441/044-45534409


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